Posted by: adelliott08 | March 10, 2008

21st Century Learners and opportunities…

As I have read a few blogs tonight,  I thought about how I know the things I know….of course, I was taught the basics in school, but most of it, as phaedrus has said (must have been in the email because for the life of me I can’t find it in his blogs) I have learned not inside a classroom, but in the real world.  As I am learning now, I have new technology and forms of technology (blogs) to simply speed across the content that I wish to know more about.  Think about it, with a click of the mouse, we have hundreds of avenues available to us.  Wow! That is something to think about.  While I know that I am not saying anything new, I may only be writing in order to putting my thoughts on a tablet.  Will it help others?  I could only hope, but I am not confident enough that I can say anything new that will enlighten others.  Even now I know that I am rambling.  Now if there were some sort of software that would read my mind and translate it onto this blog….that would be wonderful technology.  Okay…I finished. 

 My point for this blog was the conference I came across in searching for something to write about…anyone up for a road trip?  I love San Antonio, have family in Texas, and a laptop that still has very little mileage on it.    From


  1. Loved the link and called my husband immediatly and am going to sign up for the conference. Anyone else wanting to go? I think it sounds like a great experience and have always wanted to see Texas. Now, if I only had my Credit Card number memorized I could sign up today. Let me know if anyone else is going and found some cheap flight tickets.

  2. Oh goodness! This sounds so interesting and very tempting since I also have family in San Antonio. I love the River walk and by June 29th my son’s wedding will have taken place. I would really love to go! Thanks for the link!

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